• Large pinch of saffron
  • 35g (1/4 cup) active dry yeast
  • 750 -1000 ml (3-4 1/2 cups) warm water
  • 1.660g (3.66 lbs) strong white flour
  • 180g (3/4 cup + 2 tablespoons) granulated sugar
  • 30g (3 tablespoons) salt
  • 90ml (6 tablespoons) oil
  • 2 eggs + 1 egg yolk

For topping:

  • 1 egg, beaten
  • Desired topping, such as sesame seeds, poppy seeds, salt, everything bagel mix
  1. In a small bowl, steep the saffron in about 100ml of the warm water.
  2. In a second bowl, place about 250 ml (about 1 cup) of the warm water, add the yeast and a pinch of sugar, gently mix and let sit for 5-10 minutes until the yeast is foamy.
  3. Mix together flour, salt and remaining sugar in a very large bowl, make a well in the centre of the dry ingredients, add the eggs, oil, saffron water, yeasty water as well as half the remaining water to the flour mixture. You may need to keep on adding water, a little at a time if the mixture isn’t coming together.
  4. Knead until smooth (about 8 minutes) let rest in an oiled bowl for about an hour covered until doubled in size.
  5. If you are making a blessing on the separation of a portion of dough (actually called the challah) from the larger quantity, here is the point to do so.
  6. Cut into 100-150g pieces, roll out into long ropes, and plait.
  7. Put on a baking tray lined with paper, cover and let it rise again about 30 minutes.
  8. Brush with beaten egg, sprinkle with desired toppings, bake at 180 C for about 30 minutes until Challah is cooked through and when tapping on the bottom of the Challah sounds hollow.